Home » Pet Energy Healing for Emotional & Physical Issues

Pet Energy Healing for Emotional & Physical Issues

Our pets are a huge part of our lives. They often choose us or come into our lives for a reason far beyond having a new pet. I love working with animals as they have no block or preconceived ideas around energy work. In my experience with my own animals & animal clients that they 100% enjoy the experience.

Pet’s benefit from energy healing for phyiscal, emotional & behavoural issues. I treat animals in exactly the same way as I do with my human clients! I follow their energy & receive guidance of how I can help them best. Often animals behavour comes just like as people’s from past things that have happened, so we are able to release that trauma or emotion from their body just as we can with people.

Animals have a chakra system too, which always benefits from balancing. Pet’s are also very sensitive to their owner’s energy & those that they have contact with. So learning how to clear their energy fields is something I always teach so you can regularly clear your pet’s energy field. We all know how sensitive our pets are to our moods & needs, they are like sponges & often take on our energy for themselves. This can result in showing up in many ways whether in behavior or as a physical ailment. Ever met an owner with the same limp as their dog….exactly!

Whilst working with animals, I often involve the owners too as the energy is so often interlinked. Even with rescue dogs, where people ask for help to clear that. The owner’s thoughts around, what may have happened to the pet previously & their own emotions around that often get added to the pet’s energy to then clear.

Animals are so often also soul family & it is a beautiful thing to uncover that & even how some behavours in the now are linked into a past life. I have converted many a person whilst working with them to this.

I have had pet’s my entire life & share a very special bond particularly with dogs. Having now got our Cat Mrs P in our lives too, it has been amazing seeing what the two most popular pets bring to the family. Kit, my dog & Mrs P, nearly always are in the room when working with clients online. They do also when given permission like to support in-person clients too when they visit. Kit, is a regular service work dog, sharing his healing energy in the community. He daily chooses people that he thinks may need a little bit of a boost & we always get thanked for his loving services. I very much count these two as part of my work team!

Services for animals are my own intuitive energy healing, using a mixture of quantum touch & other energy healing. Intuitive guidance will also come through as we do the session, this can be in-valuable in new ways of understanding your pet & how best to support them. This will uncover ways you can best support your pet especially when it is an emotional issue.

In person 60-90 minute energy & guidance session £60 – Block bookings available at a discounted price.

Distance Energy clearing & balance for maintain all wellbeing, Includes after session feedback via message – 30 mins £25

Distance Angelic Reiki Session & after session feedback via message – £25

In person Family sessions where I will work with you all as a group. 90 minute session – £75 or 3 sessions for £185.00 including after session guidance.

In person visits are currently only available in the Chippenham, Wiltshire area.